What in the world is a death doula?

So what is an End Life Doula? Or Death Doula or even Death Midwife?

The typically-known meaning of the word “doula” are those who are present during childbirth as supports and educators. As odd as it sounds at first, a death doula if very similar because our process into this physical world, and then back out again share many aspects. We will each labor through the dying process as we did through our births.

A doula is a trained companion. Our only focus is to support and educate a client and their family at all stages of their transition. Doulas add personal attention and time alongside the medical plan already in place and work alongside Hospice to provide the emotional support and personal TIME that Hospice cannot.

Doulas are trained in all phases of transition. They can manage doctor appointments and errands, ensure all necessary state paperwork is complete, help create a legacy project to leave the client's impact to their family, provide support to the family to ease exhaustion, plan the vigil, help plan a celebration of life, whether that is before death or after, navigate the grief process and sit vigil to support the client and family in the final act of living.

While doulas are not medical professionals, we are trained professionals who provide assistance and guidance with holistic services to individuals and their families during transformative life changes.

I am here to ensure a truly meaningful and sacred farewelling.


Grief during the holidays


Why Kairos Doula?